Caribbean Trumpettree
Tabebuia aurea
Plant Family: Bignoniaceae
Leaves: Opposite, palmately compound, with 5 (sometimes more) narrow, oblong leaflets that are up to 15 cm long.
Bark: Gray, deeply fissured.
Flowers: Yellow, bell-like, to 10 cm long, in attractive terminal clusters; appearing in early spring, at the end of the dry season.
Fruits: A green pod that ripens to brown, to about 15 cm long; summer.
Habitat: This South American species is planted in yards and gardens for its very showy flower display; it sometimes naturalizes in hammocks and on disturbed ground along the east coast and on the Keys.
Growth Form: Small to medium-sized tree.
Similar Species: White Cedar (Tabebuia heterophylla) has purplish white flowers. Schefflera (Schefflera actinophylla) has similar, but alternate leaves.
Comments: Caribbean Trumpettree is both salt and drought tolerant.